Thursday, July 5, 2007

Can you fight Bulimia and Other Food Addictions with Herbal Medicine?

By Irina Webster

Bulimics and other food addicts eat compulsively. They can’t stop their compulsive behavior once they have started their binge eating and tend to disregard the consequences of their behaviors.

These people are persistently preoccupied with buying, preparing, cooking and eating food. They also can sneak or steal food, hide the food in their bags, cupboards, drawers and other places. When the food supply is cut off, withdrawal symptoms can occur, including chills, dizziness, headaches, poor concentration, nausea and lethargy.

A food-related addiction can also be accompanied by co addictions. Many bulimics may also binge on alcohol or get addicted to prescription drugs or even over-the-counter medications like diuretics and laxatives. Bulimics may be addicted to cigarettes to help moderate their food cravings.

The treatment for food addicts and bulimics is complex. Behavioral therapy, family therapy, nutritional therapy and even hospitalization can be used to treat sufferers. But the most difficult thing in the treatment process still remains their coping with cravings to binge or binge and purge during the recovery process.

If only you can stop these cravings to overeat things would be different! Some sufferers even describe it as little voices in their head that force them to binge. If only you can stop the little voices or at least make them not as strong people maybe able to cope better.

Many methods have been tried to kick a food addiction. The most beneficial methods are probably the ones which involved changing a person’s way of thinking and dealing with emotions. But I also found that some herbal therapy can help you to fight your food addiction also. These herbs seem to be useful for kicking food addictions:

Gymnema blocks the taste and metabolism of sugar if consumed before eating. It can quickly help your body stop sugar dependency.

Amla is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C. Ayurvedic medicine uses it a lot to help people feel lighter and happier. It is also a mild laxative.

Alfalfa is also rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But the main benefit is that it contains enzymes that helps digest the food (for bulimics it is necessary because bulimics have slow digestive processes).

Ginger stimulates circulation to all parts of the body. Also it improves digestion and gives body more energy.

Burdock improves fat metabolism and eliminates extra water from the body. It is very beneficial for kidney, liver and bowel function.

Nettle is a traditional remedy for cellulite. Also eliminates extra water from the body and stimulates blood circulation.

Dandelion Root improves liver function and metabolism of fat. The leaf is a natural diuretic and is rich in trace minerals, especially potassium.

Fennel Seed is a natural appetite suppressant and helps to control your cravings for specific foods.

Cola Nut is a stimulant. It contains caffeine and theobromine. It can be used to suppress hunger and mental exhaustion.

Cinnamon is naturally sweet. It can lower the desire for other sugars. It also improves circulation.

St. John’s Wort is a natural antidepressant and anxiety reliever. It can help to stop emotional eating.

Valerian Root is a natural sedative. It also can be used to stop emotional eating.

Yerba Mate works as an appetite suppressant, an antidepressant and a mild stimulant. It can stop a binging cycle. It is also rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Flaxseed oil can help to stop cravings for fatty food. Take a one tablespoon of this oil daily to stop fat cravings.

This is only a few of many other herbs that can help to fight food addictions and bulimia. For more information go to

Dr Irina Webster is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health.

Dr Irina Webster has a wholistic approach to medicine and her favorite area is to discover natural treatments for Women health problems and share these treatments and methods with other people.

Dr Irina Webster believes that the majority of women health problems can be treated naturally without drugs or surgical treatment.

At present she does Eating Disorder natural treatment research.

Dr Irina's web-site:

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