Monday, December 4, 2006

Acid Reflux Symptoms - The Ill Effects Of Bulimia

By Khim Lyn Lim

Your bulimic eating behaviour can create harm to your digestive system and also cause you to develop acid reflux symptoms. You are considered bulimic when you have regular binge eating episodes and then you follow these episodes with purging either through vomiting or taking laxatives of your food. You force yourself to vomit or take laxatives as you do not want to gain weight.

During the binge eating phase, you have found it hard to stop yourself from eating. You end up over stuffing yourself. Instead of consuming one burger, you are eating ten, for instance. When you do this, it may be that you are undergoing some psychological trauma and look for ways to overcome or forget your grief. You are also likely to have a low self esteem and confidence in yourself. It may also be that you are not actually overweight but because you feel extremely guilty over your inability to stop eating, you feel that it is necessary to purge all that food after that.

However, forcing yourself to vomit immediately after eating can cause plenty of harm to your body. Vomiting after eating removes both the food from the stomach and also the acid produced by the stomach for digestion. As you vomit, the stomach acid is forced up your esophagus. Eventually, as you vomit on a regular basis at least once or twice a day, your esophagus becomes itchy and stinging. You develop acid reflux symptoms and also GERD. Increasingly, you will find it tough to even swallow the food properly.

Over the long run, bulimia not only damages your esophagus but can also wear down your stomach lining and eventually result in death. Indeed, people have died because of bulimia and its consequences.

If you do not treat bulimia, then over a long period, you may suffer from malnutrition. Damage to your body can also become permanent for the rest of your life. Sadly, many do not realize the importance of getting treatment until it is too late.

The only way to overcome your eating disorder and get relief from your acid reflux symptoms is to first recognize that you have bulimia. Once you recognize this, then you should get into a treatment program meant to help bulimics. You will need to go through some psychological counseling as it is important to boost your self esteem and confidence. You need to realize that you are hurting yourself with your bulimia eating disorder.

Then again, although you may recover from bulimia, you may continue to have acid reflux symptoms. This is because damage to your esophagus has already been made internally. You will need to consume some medication to help prevent the acid from returning to the esophagus. Some changes also need to be made to your eating and lifestyle habits to keep your acid reflux symptoms under control. However, these changes should place you in good stead to lead a healthy normal life.

Acid reflux symptoms can be easily treated with diet and lifestyle changes. For more information and resource, please visit this site here at

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