Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bulimia - Control Is Within Reach

By Michael Russell Platinum Quality Author

Did people of the past have any of the disorders that exist in the present? It seems like every activity comes with a disclaimer. Even food has a negative side. For some people food isn't a joy, but a disaster. Some people have had their lives taken over by eating disorders and one of those disorders is known as bulimia. Bulimia occurs when people go through periods of overeating, which are then followed by periods of self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives and diuretics and excessive exercising. Bulimia may start because other attempts at dieting have failed.

People who are bulimics are also susceptible to other types of compulsions and addictions. Bulimics may have major fluctuations in their weight. They are ashamed of their behavior, so they usually carry out their actions in private. Overeating is not caused by hunger, but by feelings of depression and stress. Bulimics actually get a sense of happiness from overeating, but that feeling doesn't last very long. Bulimics don't just purge their bodies as a way to control weight, purging is also a way for them to regain control of their overeating.

There is no concrete evidence, that points to what causes bulimia. It appears to be more of a mental state than a physical one. Bulimics may actually be underweight, but they see themselves as being overweight or fat. It's their distorted images of themselves that drives them to extremes. Because bulimics may not show obvious signs, they could be impossible to identify. It may take a medical condition to appear which is related to bulimia, before a proper diagnosis can be made.

The actions associated with purging can lead to serious health problems. Repeated vomiting can cause ulcers, ruptures or narrowing of the esophagus. Acid that flows back into the esophagus, is also a major concern. Swelling and soreness in the salivary glands is also a result of repeated vomiting. The misuse of diuretics may produce an abnormal fluid buildup. The continued misuse of laxatives and diuretics combined, could cause an electrolyte imbalance, which could have life threatening consequences.

Because the major factors in bulimia take place in the mind, most treatments are geared toward helping bulimics come to terms with their thought processes. Bulimics can be treated by physicians or psychiatrists. There are also anti-depressant medications that have been useful in treating bulimics. Depending on their physical conditions, some bulimics may need hospitalization, while others may only require counseling and monitoring.

Eating disorders seem complex and mysterious. Maybe the reason no one has found the causes of these disorders is because one doesn't exist. A lot of people experience the same types of feelings that bulimics endure, but they don't use food as a way to express their emotions. Bulimics use food in the same way some people use shopping and makeovers; it's just a temporary diversion. Whatever problems bulimics have before they overeat and purge will still be there when they're through. Hopefully bulimics can find a way to cut through the smoke and take a real look into their mirror.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Eating Disorders